Hosea 11

"When [you] were a child I loved [you]
and out of [bondage] I called [you]
but the more I called [you] the further [you] ran from me...
It was I who taught [you] how to walk,
taking [you] by the arms
but [you] did not realize it was I who healed [you]
I led [you] with cords of human kindness,
with ties of love I lifted the yoke from [your] neck
and bent down to feed [you]
Will [you] not return to [bondage]
And will not [sin] rule over [you]
because [you] have refused to repeant?...
My people are determined to turn from me...
How can I give you up?...
How can I hand you over?...
My heart is changed within me
My compassion is aroused
I will not bring out my feirce anger...
For I am God and not man-
The Holy One among you"

Hosea 11


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